Thursday, September 22, 2011

Doggy Birthday Party

Have I mentioned before that I LOVE my family?  Seriously though, they are amazing.  And when I say family I mean both my sides of the family; both my side and my husbands. The 2 sides are so very different from each other but the core values are the same, and that is what makes me love them so much! At the end of the day, they always put family first. Case in brother in-law Calvin.

Calvin is my husbands youngest sibling (actually, he is 5 days older then me) and the only sibling without any "human" children. Why did I have to point out the "human" part, you ask? Well, because Calvin does have a child.  That child is his Pomeranian, Hobbs.  Hobbs' birthday was coming up so Calvin decided to throw him a birthday party! Naturally, I volunteered to make the doggy birthday cake because...well...I just enjoy doing things like that!

*Note: If you haven't caught on, my brother in-law's name is Calvin...his dog's name is Hobbs...just like the Saturday morning cartoon? I think this is the funniest thing EVER! Anyways...

So Sunday night we headed to the doggy birthday party at Calvin's house....

Lilly is all dressed up & ready to Par-tay!!!! 

After opening presents, I presented Hobbs with his birthday cake! 

He really wasn't all that interested in it.  I don't know if it was all the excitement of his birthday, or all of the little kids chanting his name.  Either way, he didn't eat the cake I made him. :-( 
But, the other dogs sure did! 

Including Lilly.  Who then puked all over our living room couch the next day while we were at work.  No more doggy birthday cake for this boxer!!! 

If you are interested in the recipe, which the other dogs enjoyed AND kept down, here it is.  Courtesy of dog treat recipe exchange.  

1 cup white or whole wheat flour 
tsp baking soda 
1/4 cup peanut butter 
1/4 cup vegetable oil 
1 cup shredded carrots 
tsp vanilla 
1/3 cup honey 
1 egg
Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C)
Mix together flour and baking soda. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Pour into a ring mold sprayed with a nonstick spray for 40 minutes.
Frost this cake with low fat cottage cheese and decorate with carrot pieces. Store in refrigerator. 

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