Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Just as I predicted.

So, my whole idea behind this blog was to document the crazy adventures of my family as we continue to take on too much at once.  In the spirit of taking on to much at once, I started this blog....and then neglected it.  After one (yes, just 1) post I stopped posting.  Imagine that! :-) So I am going to give this another shot.  In the past 3 months since I have had a few new beginngs:

Since my last posted I have become a Mrs. (BIG SMILE ). I have been L O V I N G every minute of adjusting to my new life as a wife.  Aside from that minor (major sarcasm) detail, my life has continued to move forward at a faster pace then ever. 

My daughter will be 5 in 2 weeks and is starting kidnergarten the day after her birthday! I absolutely LOVE party planning so I am having a plast exerting all of my extra energy into her "bug" birthday party.  But, it is very bittersweet because my baby is going off to school. So much to look forward to. I couldn't be any happier!

Now that I have filled you in on the changes in my life, here is my newest idea.  Instead of just making this a blog about my family and our adventures (I will of course include those details as well since they are my favorite subject to talk about...aside from food and exercise), I want this blog to focus more on my families journey to a healthier life. 

I commited myself to being a vegan 12 days ago and I have NEVER felt healthier!  I have throughouly enjoyed retraining my palet and rediscovering food in the rawest and most natural form.  Thank goodness for my husband and daughter who although I receive an occasional chuckle from (usually when a vegan recipe fails) they have been very supportive of my decision to take our family down a healthier path.  I joke with my husband that I did not merry him to have him leave me at 35 due to a heartattack from eating Burger King everyday!  Although my husband and daughter are not vegan, they do make an honest attempt to try everything that I cook.  And for the majority of the time they love my creations.  I try to accmodate their love for meat, and my love for the lack of, at every meal.  This can be a challenge but I think we have found a nice balance.  AND....believe it or not, my husband likes not eating fast food anymore! I couldn't be prouder! :-) So this blog has now become my personal journey to transform our families eating habits and accomodate various food tastes at every meal.  Thanks for following along! :-)

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